By Ashley Preen

May 12, 2016

How to stop burning out at work

Last week we showed you some of the signs that you might be burning out at work. But now that you know the signs to look out for, how do you actually stop it from happening?

Here are seven ways to stop burning out at work.

Make work easier by getting organised

If you think that your office burnout is caused by too much work, see what you can do to make the work easier to complete. One of the ways you can do this is by working more efficiently, and that means getting as organised as possible.

Learn how to relax

Relaxing helps you take your mind off of things, reduces stress, and lets you recharge your batteries. Think of all the things you love to do, such as watching movies or riding a bike, and make an effort to find times to do them.

Have a break from technology

Modern technology allows people to contact each other at any time of the day – this is great when you want to be able to talk to your friends and family, but not so great when you get emailed about work when you are trying to eat your dinner. Dedicate periods during the day when you do not look at any screens or answer any phone calls. Even the most important work things can probably wait a little while before you act on them.

Remember to take regular breaks at work

Working for hours and hours at a time without any breaks rarely leads to your best work. You might think it is what you need to do to get the most work, but you will be better off taking 10-15 minute breaks throughout the day – your breaks will help refresh your mind and body and make you more productive.

Make sure you get a good night’s sleep

On average, people require around 8 hours of sleep per night, but many, especially those who work a lot or are stressed out, don’t get enough of it. However, getting a good night’s sleep every night is vital to working productively and happily. Work stress might be keeping you up at night, but sleep is one of the best antidotes to stress.

Take note of all the aches and pains in your body

Aches and pains in your body such as headaches and backaches can often be the result of stress and work burnout. Take note of these aches and pains and if they occur regularly, go and see a doctor rather than just going on ignoring them.

Talk to your friends and family

A lot of people experience burnout at work, so there is a good chance that some of your friends and family have faced it. Even if they haven’t, just talking to them about your problems can give you a lot of help. Just remember that your family and friends care about you and that you do not need to keep your burnout and stress secret from them.